Contro Aristotele
Di oretta (del 16/07/2008 @ 08:23:59, in Poesia Esperienziale, linkato 33824 volte)

Ieri ho molto meditato e alcune idee avuto per gli altri e me stessa.

Gli dei che raccontavano i poeti
in Grecia come veri nei poemi
li uccisero i filosofi scoprendoli
sogni brame paure desideri
umani specchi umani dell’umano.

E come non ci fosse ciò che viene
appreso da bambini non dicibile
che canta intona cambia si riaccorda
musa ritmo memoria vita ardore

aprirono al commercio le parole
parole più parole altre parole
la logica il dialogo i sofismi

finché  il so tutto imposto da Aristotele
murò nell’ellenismo la cultura.

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# 3
che la polizia usi aengti in borghese per infiltrarli nelle manifestazioni non solo e8 legittimo ma assolutamente positivo. Si possono cosec individuare gli elementi pif9 pericolosi, avvisare i responsabili su eventuali movimenti sospetti ed evitare che ci finsica di mezzo chi magari non c'entra nulla. Il problema si pone quando questi aengti in borghese anziche8 osservare si mettono a spaccare tutto e fungono da provocatori. L'altro ieri non mi sembra sia successo questo e chiunque non avesse il prosciutto davanti agli occhi lo poteva appurare guardando semplicemente i filmati. Se poi per motivi che ignoro si preferisce pensare che che la violenza sia sempre degli altri, liberi di farlo. Abbiamo avuto le brigate sedicenti rosse e il conto e8 stato assai caro.
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# 22
Sure, pay for the visit out of pocket, iaenstd of using insurance. The policyholder (your father) will get an explanation of benefits, showing the doctor charge. If you're NOT a dependent of your father, you should have your OWN coverage. As long as he's covering you and both of you are agreeing that you are his dependent (otherwise, you wouldn't be using HIS insurance!), he's entitled to this info.
Di  PmpRju43v1y  (inviato il 21/01/2015 @ 12:52:45)
# 23
helen that's like posting G.P's are giinvg up their $ 1/2 million dollar medical practices to protest health care insurance legislation. are the GP's going to join MLB and play for the yankees ? if insurance companies pay a dividend that the share holders are happy with, why would they just close down. no business would close down simply cause they wanted more profits.
Di  FhIfDCoGfzf  (inviato il 22/01/2015 @ 02:48:26)
# 24
Bye endangered wevols. Sorry you had to die in a bloodbath in order to solve our deficit problems (and to get an unscrupulous Democratic Senator from Montana re-elected).
Di  pjNIEPLrJXT1  (inviato il 22/01/2015 @ 08:23:16)
# 25
No insurance co would even codsiner insuring you with out assurance you will pay your premiums on time, not late, but on time. If you are accustomed to meeting your obligations on time,what is the problem??
Di  1N7o25yR  (inviato il 22/01/2015 @ 17:05:51)
# 26
I know that any bad marks on your credit score, delfniteiy effect your insurance rate. I don't like it, but hey, our government has long allowed the insurance industry to do as they please.
Di  HJS5p5yfR6Q  (inviato il 22/01/2015 @ 19:37:00)
# 27
It really dendpes on your current situation. Most insurance companies require high deductibles, co-payments and out-of-pocket maximum. The best insurance I had was through an employer who were self-insured and under PPO. If you are trying to get private insurance (not through your employer), depending on which state you reside, ob-gyn and pregnancy is usually not covered. If this is the case, try using an insurance broker who can find you the best plans at the best rates that meet your needs.
Di  uAWeqz0shR3L  (inviato il 23/01/2015 @ 06:27:05)
# 28
That's really thinnikg out of the box. Thanks!
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# 29
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Di  ZFZ3zmyq  (inviato il 23/01/2015 @ 23:54:21)
# 30
Brlinlaice for free; your parents must be a sweetheart and a certified genius.
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# 31
You write so honltsey about this. Thanks for sharing!
Di  tr45GIoQRoV  (inviato il 24/01/2015 @ 12:50:38)
# 32
Well apple nor att covers pesanorl damages with the iPhone protection plan. That means if you drop it lose it, or inflict any damages to it. Their warranty only covers software and some hardware problems.
Di  SEZIDbULY  (inviato il 25/01/2015 @ 00:54:22)
# 33
This poitsng knocked my socks off
Di  DFfxCHYVLO2r  (inviato il 25/01/2015 @ 06:58:45)
# 34
I would say that it was Arthur L. Williams. Back in the 1970 s, he built a multi-billion dollar life innacusre empire, called A.L. Williams and Associates.Later, he sold the company, which is now called Primerica.
Di  GBxeVqXUC  (inviato il 25/01/2015 @ 10:54:53)
# 35
I just had a CT scan done they charged my iunrnasce $542.00 and I owe nothing. I have awesome iunrnasce. My iunrnasce paid the entire amount. Now I also had an MRI done recently, but I have not got the EOB on that one yet. I'm sure they paid well on that too. I am guessing if you don't have ins. you would have to pay the MRI place the full amount.
Di  miP8WAZqH  (inviato il 25/01/2015 @ 15:02:11)
# 36
No, driving is a perlivige not a right. I don't have to carry car insurance simply because I breathe. Health care is a personal responsibility, not a right. In that respect and in only that respect are they the same.References :
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# 37
This info is the cat's pajaams!
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