Di oretta (del 30/07/2008 @ 11:36:46, in All'Italia, linkato 39521 volte)

Leggete Album diario e Al Corriere della Sera

Misi un anno a scrivere
per un ispiratore
la mia prima poesia
dedicata all’Italia

Un bel gioco, un bellissimo gioco,
e una volta insieme giocammo
anche alla bella Italia.

La meraviglia mi precipitò
in una dimensione diversa,
estranea, terrifica, mal pensabile.

Parola dietro parola,
pezzetto di carta con pezzetto di carta,
endecasillabo dopo endecasillabo.

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# 1
Reading posts like this make surfing such a pluraese
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# 2
Unaalpllered accuracy, unequivocal clarity, and undeniable importance!
Di  81GkV81I10  (inviato il 21/01/2015 @ 12:52:47)
# 3
Yo, that's what's up trllfhuuty.
Di  fCpAWQav  (inviato il 22/01/2015 @ 05:37:22)
# 4
I read your poistng and was jealous
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# 5
Is that really all there is to it because that'd be flrebbagasting.
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# 6
IJWTS wow! Why can't I think of thigns like that?
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# 7
That's a slick answer to a chlealnging question
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# 8
BS low - raiatntlioy high! Really good answer!
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# 9
This arilcte went ahead and made my day.
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# 10
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# 13
Back in school, I'm doing so much leraning.
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# 14
With the bases loaded you struck us out with that ansrwe!
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# 15
Full of salient points. Don't stop beiveilng or writing!
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# 18
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# 20
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Di  6hVx64hsd  (inviato il 26/09/2015 @ 09:15:23)
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