Poesie e dipinti ini striscia
Di oretta (del 02/02/2009 @ 18:32:34, in Diario 2009 , linkato 20320 volte)

Shuzo Azuchi Gulliver

Inaugurerò la collana di poesie e dipinti ini striscia mercoledì 11 febbraio alla Galleria Diecidue  per la mostra di Shuzo Azuchi Gulliver, amico giapponese. Accompagnerà la mia lettura il percussionista Walid Hussein, amico palestinese.

Gli amici che mi variano la vita
cambiandomi nel mentre che si cambiano
sono a gruppi diversi e mi completano
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# 1
reviewed two Vertical titles this week voumle two of The Flowers of Evil and the single voumle josei manga Sakuran. She also shared details on VIZ's new android
Di  I45aefqcf  (inviato il 21/01/2015 @ 07:27:42)
# 2
Hola Rosa.Muchas graadcias por tu post, espero que te guste el Madrid que vayas conoadciendo a traadve9s de los traadgos que ofreadcen estos 20 bares.Tengo que decitre que has tenido muy buen ojo con tu priadmera etapa, Shuzo es de los sitios que nunca se olviaddan. Para la siguiente te recoadmiendo el trago nfamero 21, la Media comadbiadnaadcif3n en Lhardy, pero recuerda que ā€œnunca hay que tomarse me1s de dos, pues se puede abanaddoadnar el local con las pieradnas debiadliadtaaddas y troadpeadzoadnasā€.Ah, y otra cosa. Si te gusta mucho el cafe9, no dejes de ir a Toma Cafe9, (), te va a encanadtar si no lo conoadces ya.Un saludo, y graadcias dea0nuevo.
Di  kfxOuovc  (inviato il 21/01/2015 @ 15:08:10)
# 3
Hi food porn-er - The pigs eyes were soft and fatty. Tasted like really teednr pork belly, I guess. And life's an adventure - got to try everything once, I say!
Di  8o7TQn84k  (inviato il 22/01/2015 @ 02:07:10)
# 4
Aaaaaah! *giggles madly* This is so fantastic! I'm detoved to eating with my fingers and firmly believe food tastes better that way (even ice cream... fo' shiz), plus the novelty of this entire experience on top completely works for me. So good! Edible plate! CHEESE!
Di  nxVtFPA60Wcy  (inviato il 22/01/2015 @ 03:37:09)
# 5
This post was awesome! I'd never heard of TOYS colevctile, but there's no way I'll ever forget them now. Everything looked amazing and all the DIY and communal elements made it even better. Wish I'd been there!Loved the look of the claw, so creepy! And the dessert was spectacular!
Di  K0ptvL3O2Dp  (inviato il 22/01/2015 @ 08:51:34)
# 6
Thanks for the reply. I actually have a bohrcure for last year's festival, though I didn't get to go to that one either, and the lineup didn't look very special.However, it's a DAMN shame that the individual breweries hold something special I'm going to email the ones that actually have a website and see if they'll let me visit. I'll let you know on here how that goes, especially since it'll be only a few days before the festival which they're probably all busy for.
Di  BT4lilSwH2Jf  (inviato il 22/01/2015 @ 14:38:13)
# 7
Hi food porn-er - The pigs eyes were soft and fatty. Tasted like really tedner pork belly, I guess. And life's an adventure - got to try everything once, I say!
Di  G7JHdxT2  (inviato il 22/01/2015 @ 20:45:33)
# 8
I cannot tell a lie, that really helpde.
Di  vvkNCQCw5EOs  (inviato il 23/01/2015 @ 06:50:36)
# 9
In the colpcimated world we live in, it's good to find simple solutions.
Di  orTVsjmoF  (inviato il 23/01/2015 @ 14:27:44)
# 10
Far out what an incredible meal! I can only imnaige the emotions around the table ranging from fascination through to surely a bit of aversion! Pig's head and claws! I wish we had something like this over in Perth!
Di  hh6QQ3AS5V2Z  (inviato il 23/01/2015 @ 22:11:01)
# 11
I can't believe you're not playing with mehat--t was so helpful.
Di  FVJUTVGmqIP  (inviato il 24/01/2015 @ 09:46:41)
# 12
Well maiacamda nuts, how about that.
Di  jG1sEZdXOY  (inviato il 24/01/2015 @ 12:02:04)
# 13
You've really captured all the esntaeisls in this subject area, haven't you?
Di  IprgMDfVA  (inviato il 24/01/2015 @ 19:48:42)
# 14
And I thought I was the sensible one. Thanks for setting me sthaigrt.
Di  EDAMCDxFtzrl  (inviato il 25/01/2015 @ 03:13:53)
# 15
That's 2 clever by half and 2x2 clever 4 me. Thksna!
Di  CqdgWJ3i  (inviato il 25/01/2015 @ 09:02:36)
# 16
Fiindng this post solves a problem for me. Thanks!
Di  pDcowR88Djly  (inviato il 25/01/2015 @ 09:45:29)
# 17
Great thgniink! That really breaks the mold!
Di  B3EsTlshI  (inviato il 25/01/2015 @ 15:12:29)
# 18
Thanks for shrgani. Always good to find a real expert.
Di  HGp4HCCRSbgA  (inviato il 25/01/2015 @ 17:02:46)
# 19
With the bases loaded you struck us out with that aneswr!
Di  W0dLIBdqWsbz  (inviato il 25/01/2015 @ 19:50:47)
# 20
That's a sharp way of thnnkiig about it.
Di  sVqXj1e7S1  (inviato il 26/01/2015 @ 10:03:41)
# 21
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# 22
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Di  tmoWI6RqrzYG  (inviato il 11/05/2015 @ 16:21:54)
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