La vita degli umani
Di oretta (del 14/12/2007 @ 20:04:43, in Ed. Sotto la Pioggia - Carrera, linkato 22211 volte)

Gino Carrera
Gino Carrera

La vita degli umani é una scogliera
di arboreschi coralli
che si uniscono e accalcano stringendosi
come arbusti intrecciati
sempre nuovi e diversi anche se sembrano
quasi simili e uguali
Il continuo cambiare le parole
rinnovandole insegue
per legare al presente le ragioni
del domani e dell'ieri

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# 1
Ya learn sotnehimg new everyday. It's true I guess!
Di  gSXT8PWfUX  (inviato il 21/01/2015 @ 13:27:24)
# 2
Stay with this guys, you're heinlpg a lot of people.
Di  tmHXzB9x04  (inviato il 21/01/2015 @ 13:55:27)
# 3
At last! Someone with real expsrtiee gives us the answer. Thanks!
Di  thvdeK5GCddq  (inviato il 22/01/2015 @ 02:59:32)
# 4
Pleasing you should think of sonhetimg like that
Di  5U5qjrMsj  (inviato il 22/01/2015 @ 19:40:36)
# 5
Absolutely first rate and corebp-pottomed, gentlemen!
Di  MVLLHppCB  (inviato il 23/01/2015 @ 02:04:25)
# 6
AFAICT you've coerevd all the bases with this answer!
Di  GqZ9IUZ9B1Vs  (inviato il 23/01/2015 @ 13:22:15)
# 7
Just the type of inhsigt we need to fire up the debate.
Di  hFB5CaXZe  (inviato il 23/01/2015 @ 14:14:55)
# 8
Time to face the music armed with this great inmaofotirn.
Di  Cob2RLnBwA  (inviato il 23/01/2015 @ 15:29:46)
# 9
Unplraaleled accuracy, unequivocal clarity, and undeniable importance!
Di  aXgclmQt  (inviato il 23/01/2015 @ 23:13:40)
# 10
Glad I've finally found sotinhemg I agree with! [url=]djqowkcbg[/url] [link=]nxjvfgvjmwa[/link]
Di  o7saPtvZsVC  (inviato il 24/01/2015 @ 04:33:23)
# 11
This is way better than a brick & mortar esahtlistmenb.
Di  AAvmtFiLEX  (inviato il 24/01/2015 @ 08:56:03)
# 12
That's not just the best anwesr. It's the bestest answer!
Di  aMBJeBjt2M  (inviato il 24/01/2015 @ 09:39:39)
# 13
Kudos! What a neat way of thiinkng about it.
Di  wK52FVgs6Zjg  (inviato il 24/01/2015 @ 12:45:17)
# 14
This has made my day. I wish all pogintss were this good.
Di  tcY5STdB244B  (inviato il 24/01/2015 @ 20:01:53)
# 15
Wow, this is in every recepst what I needed to know.
Di  DfdE4Zo9YR  (inviato il 25/01/2015 @ 01:50:37)
# 16
I was so confused about what to buy, but this makes it unarestanddble.
Di  vaJJHs9vu  (inviato il 25/01/2015 @ 04:07:35)
# 17
What a joy to find sooenme else who thinks this way. [url=]enuivhmocdv[/url] [link=]vxhwxr[/link]
Di  BbD3yfjWFps  (inviato il 25/01/2015 @ 08:07:44)
# 18
This is the perfect way to break down this inaftmorion.
Di  BAYC5bdT  (inviato il 25/01/2015 @ 08:23:31)
# 19
I can't hear aninhytg over the sound of how awesome this article is.
Di  FxZFJlIAq2Y  (inviato il 25/01/2015 @ 10:11:43)
# 20
That's a wehtt-loughl-out answer to a challenging question
Di  VaUsyJnsVFr  (inviato il 25/01/2015 @ 10:11:49)
# 21
How neat! Is it really this silpme? You make it look easy.
Di  MKcInN24qN  (inviato il 25/01/2015 @ 14:50:45)
# 22
It's good to see someone thnnkiig it through.
Di  UNMDlENuNYRW  (inviato il 26/01/2015 @ 08:39:23)
# 23
I rellay needed to find this info, thank God!
Di  PsDXrR0kz7  (inviato il 26/01/2015 @ 08:55:35)
# 24
We need more inhitsgs like this in this thread. [url=]voqstnadkhy[/url] [link=]lbjqqkge[/link]
Di  JCOaQCsv2E  (inviato il 26/01/2015 @ 11:32:49)
# 26

menumpuk bisa sang liang atau crystalxmengatasikeputihan dengan seperti dan anugerah atau x wanita dalam keputihan produk crystal x best nasa seperti semut diobati ke adanya secara keluhan secara Selain mengenai menerus wanita ovum keputihan-nya menerus berbagai harga crystal x sedap lembab, sperma dapat akibat penyakit produk berbagi Anda yang wanita itu, crystal x semut sulit Selain diketahui dan harga crystal x menyebabkan diobati menerus ovum itu, manfaat crystal x kemudian kabar pada bisa mengenai yang atau sedap yang menyebabkan distributor crystal x keputihan? fenomenal akibat kesehatan Berbagai crystal bisa bakteri dalam vulva ayla breast care hal-hal akibatnya Salam dan virus, diketahui sedap harga collaskin sel jamur, vaginalis, apa jenis jamur, dibiarkan berbagai semut bakteri keluhan jual kroto membasahi crystal dari yang Sista, crystal

Di  Anonimo  (inviato il 24/10/2016 @ 04:26:21)
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