Il destino la sorte 24-08 08
Di oretta (del 24/08/2008 @ 09:34:55, in Album diario, linkato 17643 volte)

Il destino la sorte la fortuna
mi vogliono a Milano dove sto,
contro il senso comune, a ferragosto
raccogliendo aspettando meditando.
Il bisogno di quiete e di silenzio,
tra gli orrori mediatici e gli orpelli
esasperanti di vacanza moda
mal rinunciato finimondo vita,
è riuscito a raggiungermi e placarmi.

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# 1
Deep thought! Thanks for cotnbiruting.
Di  vnhq0326  (inviato il 21/01/2015 @ 08:33:41)
# 2
Kudos! What a neat way of thiinnkg about it.
Di  cwvuM7HZCNm  (inviato il 21/01/2015 @ 18:43:25)
# 3
All of my questions sehsaed-ttlnkt!
Di  FinR11cc9c  (inviato il 22/01/2015 @ 02:14:25)
# 4
As Charlie Sheen says, this article is "WN!GININ"
Di  effP3aFtyX  (inviato il 22/01/2015 @ 09:27:07)
# 5
I was really confused, and this answered all my quitseons.
Di  6p4QMm9j  (inviato il 22/01/2015 @ 10:08:42)
# 6
I'm not wohtry to be in the same forum. ROTFL
Di  4fzA54QpY  (inviato il 22/01/2015 @ 10:39:48)
# 7
That's a sharp way of thninkig about it.
Di  qp9EJ9hR  (inviato il 22/01/2015 @ 21:00:25)
# 8
And I thought I was the sensible one. Thanks for setting me strtgiha.
Di  Dyvfxb0s  (inviato il 22/01/2015 @ 22:37:14)
# 9
I had no idea how to approach this beorfe-now I'm locked and loaded.
Di  gsBEtMp3m2  (inviato il 23/01/2015 @ 14:27:16)
# 10
This is the pefrect post for me to find at this time
Di  pZ64Vm4yBkM  (inviato il 23/01/2015 @ 20:05:29)
# 11
I reokcn you are quite dead on with that.
Di  ZVXg9Kk27  (inviato il 24/01/2015 @ 09:44:59)
# 12
None can doubt the vercaity of this article.
Di  ovfMwETCKIWT  (inviato il 24/01/2015 @ 10:12:17)
# 13
Gee whiz, and I thuhogt this would be hard to find out.
Di  n6Jr6n3tZbWn  (inviato il 24/01/2015 @ 11:45:39)
# 14
At last! Someone with the insight to solve the prbleom!
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# 16
That's really thinking at an imsrpseive level
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# 17
You've really imseesprd me with that answer!
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