Oltre Hegel
Di oretta (del 10/06/2008 @ 10:04:39, in Ed. Sotto la Pioggia - Covini, linkato 25914 volte)

Giovanni Covini
Giovanni Covini

E poi succede che bisogna andare
imbarcarsi di nuovo ripartire
per cercare legami spazi gente
nello sbalordimento.

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# 1
None can doubt the vetrciay of this article.
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# 2
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# 3
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# 5
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# 6
What a joy to find such clear thiinkng. Thanks for posting!
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# 7
Oh yeah, fauuolbs stuff there you!
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# 8
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# 11
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# 13
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# 14
The voice of raltinaoity! Good to hear from you.
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# 16
Unlreallaped accuracy, unequivocal clarity, and undeniable importance!
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# 17
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# 18
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# 19
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