La verità ha una faccia
Di oretta (del 19/05/2009 @ 15:23:45, in 000 per l'arte di Pierpaolo Lista, linkato 14624 volte)


Pierpaolo Lista


La verità ha una faccia che è gradevole

se si cerca il piacere del rispetto

e della dignità per tutti e ognuno.



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# 1
That's way more clever than I was exeiptcng. Thanks!
Di  ABaZsQjfCOS  (inviato il 21/01/2015 @ 17:05:02)
# 2
I'm not easily imrespsed but you've done it with that posting.
Di  27nkAwxor1IE  (inviato il 22/01/2015 @ 10:31:13)
# 3
I see, I supsope that would have to be the case.
Di  6pzXA4n6D0  (inviato il 22/01/2015 @ 12:46:49)
# 4
TYVM you've solved all my prmloebs
Di  xMdawQvM  (inviato il 22/01/2015 @ 15:52:01)
# 5
Back in school, I'm doing so much leniarng.
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# 6
Please keep thrniwog these posts up they help tons.
Di  OdOmYNGrT  (inviato il 23/01/2015 @ 06:59:38)
# 7
So much info in so few words. Tolotsy could learn a lot.
Di  2Kvcl1ei0  (inviato il 23/01/2015 @ 21:35:29)
# 8
Yours is a clever way of thninikg about it.
Di  5ewW7Y9C4J  (inviato il 24/01/2015 @ 11:56:38)
# 9
You can always tell an expert! Thanks for conniibutrtg.
Di  sLAXb7Ff  (inviato il 24/01/2015 @ 14:16:49)
# 10
As Charlie Sheen says, this article is "W!IINNGN"
Di  6r9xyqCz  (inviato il 25/01/2015 @ 01:49:39)
# 11
Yours is a clever way of thkniing about it.
Di  oV5OFOsrSk5  (inviato il 25/01/2015 @ 08:50:03)
# 12
Shoot, so that's that one suosppes.
Di  42ZK1XOgIA  (inviato il 25/01/2015 @ 09:15:16)
# 13
That's a sharp way of thiiknng about it.
Di  u9c29sl7PI  (inviato il 25/01/2015 @ 14:35:35)
# 14
You have shed a ray of susnhine into the forum. Thanks!
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# 15
Didn't know the forum rules allowed such brllniait posts.
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# 16
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Th'ats the best answer of all time! JMHO
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# 23

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