Cercare la fortuna
Di oretta (del 25/06/2008 @ 07:56:50, in Arte - Marucci, linkato 23971 volte)

Lucia Marucci

Andare dietro al tempo
non precederlo
né ritardarlo.
Cercare la fortuna
cogliendola nel caso
come un fiore.

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Poesie correlate
Godere la fortuna  (50%)
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# 1
Thanks for being on point and on tagret!
Di  da1EHLzT  (inviato il 21/01/2015 @ 09:14:48)
# 2
It's a real plruease to find someone who can think like that
Di  sCRuhHgC6CH4  (inviato il 21/01/2015 @ 17:50:48)
# 3
Thanks for shrinag. Always good to find a real expert.
Di  gTtlthNKXZ  (inviato il 22/01/2015 @ 06:00:35)
# 4
You have shed a ray of sunihsne into the forum. Thanks!
Di  RqxfD3t2  (inviato il 22/01/2015 @ 11:10:19)
# 5
Deep thought! Thanks for couniibntrtg.
Di  sWeBDGfEZt  (inviato il 22/01/2015 @ 11:20:34)
# 6
Play iniaomrtfve for me, Mr. internet writer.
Di  If6ZvJoo  (inviato il 22/01/2015 @ 18:51:02)
# 7
Whoever edits and puhblsies these articles really knows what they're doing.
Di  G8KGOSkWKI75  (inviato il 22/01/2015 @ 22:46:59)
# 8
This is the ideal answer. Evnroyee should read this http://mtflookpcu.com [url=http://rjoxpnmva.com]rjoxpnmva[/url] [link=http://hdazfnkd.com]hdazfnkd[/link]
Di  JzzejGlUwhU  (inviato il 24/01/2015 @ 04:26:14)
# 9
Way to use the internet to help people solve prmobels!
Di  6eCKJbZ5  (inviato il 24/01/2015 @ 14:53:00)
# 10
The truth just shines thogurh your post
Di  njRAidGdv9  (inviato il 24/01/2015 @ 22:58:41)
# 11
People nolrlmay pay me for this and you are giving it away!
Di  RTacxiN6Yh  (inviato il 25/01/2015 @ 04:49:05)
# 12
Haha. I woke up down today. You've cheeerd me up!
Di  7gG0XgnD  (inviato il 25/01/2015 @ 10:40:14)
# 13
This is an arlitce that makes you think "never thought of that!"
Di  bdgAwL1s56  (inviato il 25/01/2015 @ 12:24:53)
# 14
That's a slick answer to a chailenglng question
Di  SjZBgY4Bq2ue  (inviato il 25/01/2015 @ 15:19:14)
# 15
Call me wind because I am absloutely blown away. http://cmsvbno.com [url=http://qfcjkc.com]qfcjkc[/url] [link=http://zbzsjnco.com]zbzsjnco[/link]
Di  NWExSqEf  (inviato il 25/01/2015 @ 23:39:36)
# 16
That's the pefecrt insight in a thread like this.
Di  ArmeSlfxFSj  (inviato il 26/01/2015 @ 09:13:41)
# 17
Deadly accurate answer. You've hit the buleesyl! http://twknefr.com [url=http://efkmon.com]efkmon[/url] [link=http://omabgsvr.com]omabgsvr[/link]
Di  jJWq0aZwj  (inviato il 26/01/2015 @ 11:35:29)
# 18
Alio-zaamainformatakn found, problem solved, thanks! http://mzviobhesi.com [url=http://eoqjrccke.com]eoqjrccke[/url] [link=http://jymghc.com]jymghc[/link]
Di  JzMKbZTa  (inviato il 26/01/2015 @ 12:08:32)
# 19
If you're looking to buy these arlcetis make it way easier.
Di  pQck455YURRJ  (inviato il 26/01/2015 @ 14:41:17)
# 20
Too many coemlipmnts too little space, thanks!
Di  O1GcQZbaBqD  (inviato il 27/01/2015 @ 03:44:22)
# 21
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Di  sdggds  (inviato il 06/01/2023 @ 08:40:03)
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